Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Best Relationship Advice Ever

Don't you love when you have a million things that you could be doing that would be productive and make your life easier tomorrow but instead you decide to do the one thing that won't really help your life at all and in the end  you'll wake up tomorrow and think, wow, I would've had so much more time today if I only didn't get distracted yesterday? Hello, blog!

You, shiny, new distraction and procrastination device, you!

So, today, I'm going to tell you the best relationship advice I've ever heard and review a book I've never read. The book is titled: You Say Tomato, I Say Shut Up: A Love Story by Annabelle Gurwitch and Jeff Kahn. While I have never read this book but I wholeheartedly intend to read it, eventually, one day.
According to the description of this book, it sounds like this book is mainly about Annabelle and Jeff's personal experience with their 13 year marriage. However, I previously read a little blurb about this book in some magazine (Psychology Today, I think) and I wrote down what I thought was the subtitle of the book (apparently it's not), "Your marriage will thrive when you ignore conventional wisdom and do what works for you." 

This immediately struck me as the best relationship advice ever. Not only is it easy to implement but I can ignore every one else's advice and stick to my guns!! No, really. I feel like once you hit a certain point in a relationship, maybe a year more or less, you kind of know the drill or at least you know enough to get the relationship that far. I think so many young adults like myself look at marriage so differently than generations before us. We're constantly told that the divorce rate is skyrocketing, we see scandals involving cheating (Sandra Bullock, Tiger Woods) and it's just easy to think, "wow, relationships, marriages in particular, are doomed." 

In light of this, some people have decided they don't want to get married at all. Others opt for living together a good amount of time before marriage, some don't even want marriage, they'd rather just live together. Others plan on getting married later or decide to date lots of people. Relationship advice, as always, is abound. I think we may be even more likely to listen to it now because so many of us realize a relationship ending is all too real. 

Personally, I'm always interested in relationship advice. I've learned from my parents that a relationship isn't easy and that it takes work. It seems natural for me to strive my hardest for a good relationship. Since I've been dating Austin for two years, I've learned a lot about relationships. When we first started dating, it was the first serious relationship I ever had and it got serious very quickly. My friends had not been through any similar experiences but I asked anyways, does this seem normal to you? Do you think we fight too much? Do you think we are too engrossed in each other? Just the other day, I found myself saying to a friend, "Gosh, it's only been two years but it feels like it's been so much longer because of the comfort level we're at--I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing." She immediately retorted, "I don't think it's anything, it's just normal."

What I've found to be most troublesome to our relationship at times is when I try to make it a good relationship. If I try to analyze what is going wrong or right too much, if I ask for advice I don't really need and if I listen to advice that I don't really need, more often than not, it's more damaging than helpful. 

My father may think I need to date need someone never every few months, my best friend may think that it's weird that my boyfriend will tell me when he thinks some chick is mega-hot, and my other friend may think we text way too much but the bottom line is what we think. Turns out, these things work for us and these things might not work for you. 

Bottom Line: People are constantly giving out relationship advice, be it generic "conventional wisdom" or be it from experience. Either way, the best advice I could give you is to do what works, if it's not working, first, pinpoint what exactly isn't working, TALK (with your partner!! eesh, people), and then try something new. If it is working, don't question if it's normal or if it's recommended. Everyone in the world may say you're doing it all wrong, but if it's working for you, just say 'Shut Up'*.

*Handy Hint: This relationship advice works if you're already in a pretty stable, functional relationship (but wait! what's a stable, functional relationship?? Okay, I may need to blog on this more for those confused souls out there). For now, don't be stupid when trying to apply this advice. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

So I Guess I'm Whiskey?

Hey dood,
So I think that you did a pretty good job considering that you only got one wrong. I was never on the track team in high school! Other ones were kind of borderline but I just ended up giving it to you. I think that you know me a little better than I know you actually.

I don't really know what yo want me to write about so I guess I'll just ramble for a little bit. First off, I just want to talk about this whole iPhone going to verizon thing. First off, I want to point out how incredibly idiotic it was for Apple to decide and limit to themselves to one provider, a really terrible one at that, in AT&T. This decision has ultimately led to the Droid being able to catch up to it in half the time it took the iPhone to get where it's at. Although the iPhone may be very nice, it has about the same capabilities as a Droid, some might even say less. The beauty of what Droid has done is that they opened up their platform so anyone can edit it, and it can be used with any cell phone provider. This has led to a bundle of companies such as Motorola and Samsung being able to release their own versions of Droid. Not only does this benefit the providers, because anyone is able to provide service to Droid phones, but opening it up so anyone can make a phone with the software benefits a very large number of companies as well. It has really done a beautiful thing for the communications industry.

I think this will wrap up my first post considering I don't have much else to say for now.
Whiskey (I guess)

Cosmo--Post 1

Dear Whiskey,
I'm not really sure how I feel about using my real name yet haha being that it's so unique. Anyways, I've dubbed myself Cosmo, my drink of choice (for now) and you can be Whiskey, unless of course you want to use your real name (or want some other name!). Okay, well for the first post I'm going to see how well I know you anyways! If you want, you can do the same for me and if not, you can just correct me :) haha
So here are the questions and how I think you would respond!

When's the last time you ran?
Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?
What are you dreading right now?
I'm dreading a debate I have to do in class tomorrow
Do you celebrate 420?
Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night?
It depends, on the weekends yes, on the weekdays, more like around 7 hours.
If anyone came to your house on your "lazy days" what would you be doing?
Playing video games, watching House, Friends, Two & A Half Men, football or a movie
Who last grabbed your ass?
My girlfriend, she hopes!
Have you ever been on your school's track team?
Yes for a year
Do you own a pair of Converse?
No, and never have
Do you eat raw cookie dough?
Of course
Have you ever kicked a vending machine?

What do you do when you're sad?
Eat Ice Cream
Who would you call first if you won the lottery?
My Dad
Would you wear a boy/girlfriends clothes?
No way!
Ever been to Georgia (the state)?
I don't think so, where was that concert I went to again?!
What is your favorite part of your body and why?
My favorite part of my body is my arms because they're strong!
What was the first thing that attracted you to your girl/boyfriend?
I don't have a specific thing, but generally her looks.
Do you think it's okay to keep noticing other women after you are in a committed relationship? Does this change when you are married?
Yes, as long as you don't touch! This doesn't change once you're married.
What were you thinking about right before you kissed me for the first time?
Okay, I think now is a good time.
Who helped you figure out how to ask someone out on your first date?
I just kind of knew what to do.
If I could improve on one thing this year what would I want it to be?
I would lose some weight and keep a toned look.
If I could help my boy/girlfriend improve on one thing this year, it would be....
I would want her to be able to run at a similar speed as me

Okay, so that's not a ton of questions but I have a feeling I answered quite a few of things not the way you would've answered at all!

Well! It's time for bed, the time is 12:01 on October 12th 2010....Happy 2 Year Anniversary, baby!